Saturday, July 18, 2009


Is it just me or is candy just so awesome? I HAZ CANDYYYYYY. Haha. Ohyea! I have CANDY CANDY CANDY. Yeah. I'm totally hyper right now. Haha. I'm eating a JawBreaker right now. I can't chew on it. Or else... I'll break my jaw. (Well, DUH!) And Jan says that it'll take at least 30 minutes to finish this thing. It's only been 3 minutes. DAMN. Hahaha. AmyVee says that she finished hers in 3 days. Wow. That... is long. Curse the JawBreaker and its totally long time to melt. Dammit... this is SERIOUSLY going to take a while. Oh well. At least I'll have something in my mouth while I'm blogging and tweeting. Holy crud... I just realized. I have 3 other JawBreakers... if I eat em all today... it'll add up to... an hour and 30 minutes. All that time for candy. Wow. Seriously. Wow. Hahaha. Well... hm... I still have sour tape. Mm. Sour tape. Best candy ever. Well... next to lollipops. Haha. Yeah. Gosh. This JawBreaker thing hurts. Hahaha. Yeah. My fault for eating it. I know, I know.

Hahaha! #earthdoesnotwantjonas! Hahaha. It's on its way to trending topics. I know FOR SURE. Haha. Well... I just know! Hahaha. I hear... fire crackers. Wth? WHY would there be fire crackers? And... yeah. I'm running out of ideas to blog about... hmm. Haha. Danie (Where ever you are.), If you're reading this... GET A BLOGSPOT. Hahaha. It's so cool. I'm serious. Yeah. Hahaha. It's not melting yet. My jaws are seriously getting tired. No wonder it's called JAW BREAKER. Gosh.

The JoHoes need to die. Seriously. We should ask tips from Osama Bin Laden. Hahaha. And we should have a hide out. Hahaha. Yeahhhh. Well. Later, people. Off to rid the world of the JoHoes.

Frances S.

Current Tortune: "Open Happiness" by Various Artists

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