Sunday, March 21, 2010

I was such a little 13 year old bitch.

I just realized how much of a bitch-slash-attention seeker this post made me sound. So I will edit all of it. No, I don't want you all to "FOLLOW ME ON TUMBLR. (:" or "FLOOD ME WITH QUESTIONS!"

God. I really need to think before I write. I am a lame ass 15 year old.
Damn straight, I'm fifteen. It's been two years, and to tell you the truth, I think my English has been deteriorating. I blame you, Tumblr.

But anyway, if anyone else does still see this, or you know, want to talk to me. Or anything. Or stalk me, whatever (I highly doubt it).

Here's my tumblr, which I am thoroughly obsessed with:

Thank y'all.
And dear god. I just realized putting Frances S. after every single damn post is so embarrassing. Okay. Bye now.