Seriously. That song has been stuck in my head the WHOLE DAY. Btw. To make up for my very short blog last time, I shall make an extra long one today. Just for the lovelies who actually read this shit. I don't think anybody really does, but what the hell, right? Just for the heck of it, y'know? Hahaha. MANNY PACQUIAO. LOL. That's weird. I am seriously tempted to put a smiley here... but for the sake of keeping a nice, clean blog... I shan't. These past two days have been awesome. I don't really know why, but they have been. Except for the part that the internet got busted for a bit though. And the fact that I had this shitload of work to do. *Cough* Project. *Cough* Yeah. I don't really care. It's almost over now. Weee. Insert smiley face here. Haha. I made a drawing... in dedication to My sister Anna, Bianca, Joanna, Ina, Amy, Bianca M., and Chinchin. Wee. Haha. Yeah. It's up on FB & Twitter. I shall post it here as well. Hahaha. That'll only make my especially long blog even LONGER! YAY! Hehe. I dun care. I want it longer. Teehee. The only bad part that happened is the fact that our former president President Cory Aquino passed away. I know I wasn't there when the EDSA revolution happened, and I wasn't there when she rid the world of Marcos' evil doings... but I know that she was a great president. Kris Aquino is lucky. I hear they're going to make her mum a hero. Her dad is also a hero. Having a hero for a one parent is one thing. But having two? That's something, man. (In the words of Mdm. Pioquinto) Without the "man", of course. Haha. Yeahhh. Wow. This is especially long. Longer than most of my first paragraphs. Hehe. Anyway. We don't have class tomorrow. It is in honor of Pres. Cory. It's her burial. It's been declared as a non-working holiday. Yay. But... boo for the reason. Yeah. No class on Thursday either. Teachers are having... this thing... thing. Yeah. Whatever. After that, the Periodical Tests! Weee. Haha. Ok. On to the next topic!
Do you know how WEIRD it is knowing that your classmates are reading your blog? It's like, I can't express myself freely anymore. BOOO. Thanks a lot, Oliver. You just shared my blog out to the whole world. KIDDING. It doesn't matter. I already know that Joshua reads this. (HI JOSH!) The more the merrier, right? Idk, really. That's what they say. (I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU THINK! As long as it's about me... Haha. Sorreh. Just had to put that.) Well. Whatever. Ohyeah. Cobra Starship is getting seriously popular. Idk why they just got popular now. I mean, they were totally awesome before (and after) Good Girls Go Bad... but I'm actually glad that people are looking through their other songs as well. I mean, some people say they like this song... then when I ask them about ANOTHER song from the artist, they don't know it. But people are actually looking through CS songs. I like that. They don't get popular by just ONE song. Yeah. Now. Let us drift off to another topic. Ooh... my phone feels sticky. Hehe. I don't know why, but it does. Haha. I'm not used to spelling phone as PHONE. I'm used to spelling it as FONE. Haha. I don't know why. I'm weird like that. HAHA. People are actually hearing me (or reading? I dunno. Whatever goes.) call myself weird. I bet you all think I'm retarded... but guess what? I'M NOT! At least, I'm not A hundred percent retarded. You can say I'm partly retarded. But in a good way. Yeah. There are stuff like that. GOSH. I miss blogging really long random stuff. Looking at this blog makes me feel happy. If that's possible. I'm in the happiest mood I can ever be in right now. Maybe that's where I'm getting my inspiration... Hmm... You never really know, do ya? Hehe. Welllllllll... That's it for now.
Bye, lovelies. I shall blog again soon. :)
Frances S.
Current Tortune: "Daughters" by John Mayer